Prof. CHAN Wai Chi 陳偉智
MBChB(CUHK), FRCPsych, FHKAM(Psychiatry)
Clinical Professor
Director of Clinical Affairs & Service Development
Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist & Head of Psychogeriatric Service, Queen Mary Hospital
Chief Editor, East Asian Archives of Psychiatry
President, Chinese Dementia Research Association
Chairman, Publication Committee, The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
Convener, Clinical Division of Old Age Psychiatry, The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
Email: waicchan@hku.hk
The HKU Scholars Hub Page address:http://hub.hku.hk/rp/rp01687
Brief introduction:
Dr. Chan joined the Department in November 2012 as a clinical associate professor. He is also an honorary research fellow of Sau Po Centre on Ageing, a member of HKU Alzheimer's Disease Research Network, and an associate member of State Key Laboratory of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, HKU. As an honorary consultant at Queen Mary Hospital, he is heading the psychogeriatric service in the Hong Kong West Cluster, and a tutor and trainer of psychiatric trainees of the hospital.
He obtained Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) in 1996 and Fellowship of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists in 2000. In 2016, he was elected to Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK). He received International Clinical, Operational, and Health Services Research and Training Award of Fogarty International Center in 2005, Postgraduate Research Award of Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association in 2006 and Best Scientist Award of Asian Society Against Dementia in 2009. His research focuses on longitudinal follow-up of older persons to identify the predictors of neurocognitive disorders, prevalence and interventions of behavioural and psychological symptoms associated with neurocognitive disorders, caregiver burden and intervention, interventions for late-life depression and psychiatric epidemiology.
Selected Publication List
(*corresponding author)
Longitudinal studies of older adults
Ma DY, Wong CH, Leung GT, Fung AW, Chan WC, Lam LC (2017) Physical exercise helped to maintain and restore functioning in Chinese older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a 5-year prospective study of the Hong Kong Memory and Ageing Prospective Study (HK-MAPS). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 18(4):306-11
Lee AT, Richards M, Chan WC, Chiu HF, Lee RS, Lam LC. (2015) Poor balance as a noncognitive predictor of incident dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 63(8): 1701-1702.
Wong CH, Leung GT, Fung AW, Chan WC, Lam LC (2013) Cognitive predictors for five-year conversion to dementia in community-dwelling Chinese older adults. International Psychogeriatrics 25: 1125-1134
Chan WC, Lam LC, Tam CW, Lui VW, Leung GT, Lee AT, et al. (2011) Neuropsychiatric symptoms are associated with increased risks of progression to dementia: a 2-year prospective study of 321 Chinese older persons with mild cognitive impairment. Age and Ageing 40:30-35
Psychiatric epidemiology
Chan WC*, Wong CSM, Chen EYH, Ng RMK, Hung SF, Cheung EFC, et al. (2017) Validation of the Chinese version of the Revised Clinical Interview Schedule: findings from Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 27:3-10.
Fung AW, Chan WC, Wong CS, Chen EY, Ng RM, Lee EH, et al. (2017) Prevalence of anxiety disorders in community dwelling older adults in Hong Kong. International Psychogeriatrics 29(2):259-67
Wong CS, Chan WC*, Lam LC, Law WY, Tang WY, Wong TY, et al. (2016) Living environment and psychological distress in the general population of Hong Kong. Procedia Environmental Sciences 36:78-81
Lam LC, Wong CS, Wang MJ, Chan WC, Chen EY, Ng RM, et al. (2015) Prevalence, psychosocial correlates and service utilization of depressive and anxiety disorders in Hong Kong: the Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey (HKMMS). Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 50: 1379-1388.
Caregiver burden and interventions
Chan WC*, Lautenschlager N, Dow B, Ma SL, Wong CS, Lam LC (2016) A home-based exercise intervention for caregivers of persons with dementia: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials 17:460
Cheng ST, Fung HH, Chan WC, Lam LC. (2016) Short-term effects of a gain-focused reappraisal intervention for dementia caregivers: A double-blind cluster-randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 24:740-750
Au A, Gallagher-Thompson D, Wong MK, Leung J, Chan WC, Chan R, et al. (2015) Behavioral activation for dementia caregivers: Scheduling pleasant events and enhancing communications. Clinical Interventions in Aging 10: 611-619
Chan WC*, Ng C, Mok CC, Wong FL, Pang SL, Chiu HF (2010) Lived experience of caregivers of persons with dementia in Hong Kong: a qualitative study. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry 20: 163-168
Non-invasive brain stimulation
Cheng CP, Wong CS, Lee KK, Chan AP, Yeung JW, Chan WC*. Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on improvement of cognition in elderly patients with cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (in press).
Cheng CP, Chan SS, Mak AD, Chan WC, Cheng ST, Shi L, Wang D, Lam LC. (2015) Would transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) enhance the effects of working memory training in older adults with mild neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer's disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 16:479
Chan WC*, Chan JZ, Lai CS, Wong CS (2014) Brain stimulation for late-life depression: a review. Hong Kong Journal of Mental Health 40: 34-43
Prevalence and interventions of behavioural and psychological symptoms associated with neurocognitive disord
Chan WC, Lam LC, Tam CW, Lui VW, Chan SS, Chan WM, Chiu HF (2010) Prevalence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in Chinese older persons with mild cognitive impairment-a population-based study. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 18: 948-954
Lin PW, Chan WC, Ng BF, Lam LC (2007) Efficacy of aromatherapy (Lavandula angustifolia) as an intervention for agitated behaviours in Chinese older persons with dementia: a cross-over randomized trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 22: 405-410
Chan WC*, Lam LC, Choy CN, Leung VP, Li SW, Chiu HF (2001) A double-blind randomised comparison of risperidone and haloperidol in the treatment of behavioural and psychological symptoms in Chinese dementia patients. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 16: 1156-1162
Choy CN, Lam LC, Chan WC, Li SW, Chiu HF (2001) Agitation in Chinese elderly: validation of the Chinese version of the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory. International Psychogeriatrics 13: 325-335
Books & Book Chapters
陳偉智、楊綺玲 (2016):〈預防失智症走失現況與對策‧香港篇〉。見NHK 特別採訪小組作;吳佳璇譯:《失智失蹤‧一萬個遊走失蹤家庭的衝擊》,頁303 至 309。臺北市:天下生活。
Au A, Yip HM, Chan WC, Bai X, Tsien T. (2016) Ageing and mental health: challenges and innovations in Hong Kong. In: Li WW, Cummings SM, Ponnuswami I, Park H-J (Eds), Ageing and Mental Health: Global Perspectives.: Nova Science Pub Inc.
陳偉智 (2015):〈失智症藥物治療〉。見台灣財團法人天主教失智老人社會福利基金會 (編):《失智症整合照護 Integrated Care of Dementia》,頁4-1 至 4-20。臺北市:華騰文化。
4Lam LW, Chan WC (2015) Prevention of cognitive decline in later life. In: Cheng S-T, Chi I, Fung HH, Li LW, Woo J eds. Successful Aging. Springer Netherlands, pp. 269-279
陳偉智 (編) (2010):《愛在晚晴時:失智症照顧者指南》。香港:香港心理衞生會。
陳偉智 (2009):〈早期痴呆症患者的藥物治療〉。見香港復康會 (編):《誰能明白我:痴呆症早期患者心聲集》,頁3 至 12。香:香港復康會。
Health & Medical Research Fund (Food & Health Bureau): “A randomised controlled trial of home-based exercise intervention for caregivers of persons with dementia” (duration: 2014-2016, as PI)
HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research: “A validation study of Cantonese version of Apathy Evaluation Scale in cognitively impaired older Chinese” (duration: 2013-2015, as PI)
Commissioned Research on Mental Health Policy and Services (Food and Health Bureau): “Mental health problems in community: a study of the pathway to care in Hong Kong” (duration: 2010-2011, as PI)
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust – General Award: “Holistic support programme on mental health for older people” (duration: 2016-2019, as Co-I)
RGC General Research Fund: “Clinical efficacy of neuro-navigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the management of depression in major neurocognitive disorders – a single blind randomized control trial” (duration: 2016-2018, as Co-I)
HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research: “Examination of social support in relation to medical comorbidity and physical health in ageing adults with serious mental illness: a case-control follow-up study” (duration: 2015-2017, as Co-I)
HKU Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research: “Activation on left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (LDPC) with different acupoint-combinations for depression: an fNIRS study” (duration: 2015-2016, as Co-I)
Health & Medical Research Fund (Food & Health Bureau): “Electroacupuncture for tapering off long-term benzodiazepine use: a randomized controlled trial” (duration: 2015-2017, as Co-I)
Health & Medical Research Fund (Food & Health Bureau): “A randomized controlled trial of combined physical exercise – working memory training on slowing down cognitive decline in elders with mild clinical Alzheimer’s disease” (duration: 2015-2017, as Co-I)
Commissioned Research on Mental Health Policy and Services (Food and Health Bureau): “Three year incidence and progression of common mental disorders (CMD) in Chinese adult population of Hong Kong” (duration: 2014-2016, as Co-I)
RGC General Research Fund: “Would transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) enhance the effects of working memory training in older adults with mild neurocognitive disorder?” (duration: 2014-2016, as Co-I)
RGC General Research Fund: “The psychophysiological effects of dance movement-based intervention on elderly with early dementia: a randomized controlled trial” (duration: 2014-2016, as Co-I)
Tung Wah Group of Hospitals: “Evaluative research on the practice of physical and mental revitalization model – second phase” (duration: 2014-2016, as Co-I)
Health & Medical Research Fund (Food & Health Bureau): “Psychotic-like experience (PLEs) in the general population of Hong Kong: a two-year prospective follow up study” (duration: 2014-2016, as Co-I)
Health & Medical Research Fund (Food & Health Bureau): “Physical health and lifestyle predictors for significant cognitive impairments in community dwelling Chinese older adults in Hong Kong” (duration: 2011-2013, as Co-I)
Health Care & Promotion Fund (Food & Health Bureau): “Volunteer assisted support teleprogram (VAST) for dementia caregivers” (duration: 2010-2012, as Co-I)
Commissioned Research on Mental Health Policy and Services (Food and Health Bureau): “The Hong Kong Mental Morbidity Survey 2010” (duration: 2010-2013, as Co-I)