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Dr. Chan Kai Tai 陳啓泰

MBChB (CUHK), FRCPsych, FHKCPsych, FHKAM (Psychiatry)

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, HKU

Honorary Consultant, Queen Mary Hospital

Associate Director, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention

Honorary Treasurer of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

College Spokesman of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists
Committee Member of the Public Awareness Committee of the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

Member of the Task Force on Social Media of the Professionalism and Ethics Committee of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

The HKU Scholars Hub Page address:

Brief Introduction:

Dr Chan has joined the Department since July of 2020 as CIinical Associate Professor. Throughout the years, apart from clinical practice in Psychiatry, he has been involved in various teaching and administrative works as well as research activities. In addition, he has been advocating territory-wide mental health promotion campaigns and community projects for public education and anti-stigmatization.

On the other hand, he has been a professional songwriter since his medical student days, with subsequent involvement in a wide range of cross-media and cultural works across the decades.

Cultivating in both Psychiatry and culture, he began to realize their common ground in humanity, in the midst of the emerging upheavals for human beings and our world across the Millennium. In late 2016, he went to the University of Cambridge as Academic Visitor in the Department of East Asian Studies in the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies to learn about history and culture and to study on the impact of digitalization to human beings.

His recent academic interest is on the impact of the post-Millennial world to human mind, mental health and society with inter-disciplinary perspectives, especially in young people.

He has been dedicated to the development of Youth Mental Health in different aspects and he has been advocating student mental well-being in Hong Kong.

Research/Academic/Special Interests:

Youth Mental Health, Digitalization and Human Mind, Culture and Psychiatry, Music and Mental Health, Medical Humanities and Ethics, Addiction and Internet Addiction, Mental Health Promotion and Anti-stigmatization

Recent Academic Activities:

  • The Speaker in the MEHU Conversation and Connection Series by the Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit (MEHU) in the HKU School of Clinical Medicine : ‘The Humanistic Challenges for Future Doctors: From Medical Advancements to Digitization and COVID-19’ in 2022

  • The Session Chair of the Plenary Address ‘Assisted dying in individuals with mental disorder: a risky concept?’ in the International Network of Philosophy and Psychiatry 20th Annual Conference ‘History, Philosophy and Ethics of Psychiatry: The State of Play in the 21st Century’ organized by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in 2018

  • The Speaker of the Talk ‘The mind and psychiatry in the age of digitalization and artificial intelligence’ in the International Network of Philosophy and Psychiatry 20th Annual Conference ‘History, Philosophy and Ethics of Psychiatry: The State of Play in the 21st Century’ organized by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in 2018​

  • The Chairperson of the Young and Senior Fellows Debate ‘Artificial Intelligence and Technology will replace Psychiatrists’ in the International Mental Health Congress organized by the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists in 2018

Recent Culture and Interdisciplinary Activities:

  • The Speaker in the seminar “Cantopop: From a tune down the street of old Hong Kong, to a voice in Greater China, and eventually to an ‘i-tune’ trapped in the internet” in the China Research Seminar Series in the Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Cambridge in the Michaelmas Term 2016


  • The Speaker of the Talk ‘AI and I: Where am I …… and Who am I?’ in the Value Exploration Series of the I-CARE Achievers Programme of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2018

  • The guest speaker for a talk on ‘Cantpop: From listening to their songs to seeing our minds’ for the School of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Hong Kong in 2019

Selected Research Publications:

  • Chen, E.Y.H., Hui, C.L.M., Lam, M.M.L., Chiu, C.P.Y., Law, C.W., Chung, D.W.S., Tso, S.,…Honer, W.G. (2010). Maintenance treatment with quetiapine versus discontinuation after one year of treatment in patients with remitted first episode psychosis: randomised controlled trial. British Medical Journal.

  • Hui, C.L.M., Wong, G.H.Y., Tang, J.Y.M., Chang, W.C., Chan, S.K.W., Lee, E.H.M.,…Chen, E.Y.H. (2013). Predicting 1-year risk for relapse in patients who have discontinued or continued quetiapine after remission from first-episode psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 150 (1), 297-302.

  • Lam Y.H., Hui C.L.M., Lui S.Y.S., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H., Chan K.W., Lee H.M.E., Chang W.C., Wong G.H.Y. and Chen E.Y.H., LevelMind @ JC hubs–a novel community‐based youth mental wellness early intervention in Hong Kong: An evaluation of stakeholders' perceptions and experiences , Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2021.

  • Suen Y.N., Lam O.B.C., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H., Lui S.Y.S., Chan Y.Y., Lam H.Y., WONG M.Y.S., Hui C.L.M., Lee H.M.E., Chang W.C., Chan K.W. and Chen E.Y.H., A multifaceted approach in promoting positive mental health culture in Hong Kong secondary schools: The Mindshift educational networking programme, Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 2021.

  • WONG M.Y.S., Lam Y.H., Wong S.M.C., Lee P.Y.H., Wong G.H.Y., Lui S.Y.S., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H., Chan K.W., Chang W.C., Lee H.M.E., Suen Y.N., Hui C.L.M. and Chen E.Y.H., Measuring subjective stress among young people in Hong Kong: validation and predictive utility of the single-item subjective level of stress (SLS-1) in epidemiological and longitudinal community samples, Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. 2021, 30.

  • Hui C.L.M., Wong M.Y.S., Yu Y.T.T., Lau T.Y.T., Choi O., Tsang H.S.S., Suen Y.N., Lam Y.H., Wong S.M.C., Lui S.Y.S., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H., Wong G.H.Y., Chan K.W., Lee H.M.E., Chang W.C., Wilkins A. and Chen E.Y.H., Visual-stress-related cortical excitability as a prospective marker for symptoms of depression and anxiety in young people, European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. 2022. 

  • Tang C.Y.W., Wong S.M.C., Wong T.Y., Hui C.L.M., Wong M.Y.S., Suen Y.N., Chan K.W., Chang W.C., Lee H.M.E., Lui S.Y.S., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H., Myin-Germeys I.N.E.Z. and Chen E.Y.H., Social context and loneliness in an epidemiological youth sample using the Experience Sampling Method, Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2022, 156, 429-436. 


  • Wong M.Y.S., Li Y., Hui C.L.M., Wong S.M.C., Wong T.Y., Cheung C., Suen Y.N., Lam Y.H., Lui S.Y.S., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H., Chan K.W., Chang W.C., Lee H.M.E., Inez M.G. and Chen E.Y.H., Impact of restrictive COVID-19 measures on daily momentary affect in an epidemiological youth sample in Hong Kong: An experience sampling study, Current Psychology. 2022. 


  • Wong M.Y.S., Chen E.Y.H., Wong S.M.C., Suen Y.N., Chan D.L.K., Tsang H.S.S., Wong T.Y., Cheung C., Chan K.T., Lui S.Y.S., Wong M.T.H., Chan K.W., Lee H.M.E., Myin-Germeys I.N.E.Z. and Hui C.L.M., Impact of smartphone overuse on 1-year severe depressive symptoms and momentary negative affect: Longitudinal and experience sampling findings from a representative epidemiological youth sample in Hong Kong, Psychiatry Research. 2022, 318, 114939. 


  • Wong M.Y.S., Ip H., Hui C.L.M., Suen Y.N., Wong S.M.C., Chang W.C., Chan K.W., Lee H.M.E., Lui S.Y.S., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H. and Chen E.Y.H., Prevalence and correlates of suicidal behaviours in a representative epidemiological youth sample in Hong Kong: the significance of suicide-related rumination, family functioning, and ongoing population-level stressors, Psychological Medicine. 2022, 1-11. 


  • Wong M.Y.S., Hui C.L.M., Cheung V.K., Suen Y.N., Chan K.W., Lee H.M.E., Chan K.T., Wong M.T.H. and Chen E.Y.H., Prevalence of frequent nightmares and their prospective associations with 1-year psychiatric symptoms and disorders and functioning in young adults: a large-scale epidemiological study in Hong Kong, Sleep. 2022. 

  • Wong, S.M.Y., Chen, E.Y.H., Suen Y.N., et al.  (2023). Increased psychological distress among young people before and during the fifth wave of COVID-19 after two years of pandemic in Hong Kong: a 6-month longitudinal study. BMC Psychiatry, 23.

  • Wong, S. M. Y., Tang, E. Y. H., Hui, C. L. M., et al.  (2023). Excessive fear of clusters of holes, its interaction with stressful life events and the association with anxiety and depressive symptoms: large epidemiological study of young people in Hong Kong. BJPsych Open, 9.

  • Wong, C.S.M., Hui, C.L.M., Suen, Y.N., et al. (2023). The Hong Kong youth epidemiological study of mental health (HK-YES)-A population-based psychiatric epidemiology study of youth mental health in Hong Kong: A study protocol. Early Intervention in Psychiatry.

  • Wong, S.M.Y., Lau, T.T.Y., Hui, C.L.M., Suen, Y.N., Chan, S.K.W., Lee, E.H.M., Chan, K.T., Wong, M.T.H., Chen, E.Y.H.(2023).  Mindful Attention as a Mediator Between Smartphone Overuse and Depressive Symptoms for Up to 6 Months Among Young People: Findings from Two Separate Epidemiological and Longitudinal Community Studies. Mindfulness.

Selected Academic Paper Publication:

  • Chan, K. T. (2022). "Emergence of the ‘Digitalized Self’ in the Age of Digitalization." Computers in Human Behavior Reports 6: 100191.

Selected Book Chapter/Article Publications in Psychiatry:

  • 陳啓泰 (2012)。畸形世代K世代。在香港精神科醫學院編。啟動.心康:精神健康求助攻略 。(頁48-49)。香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司

  • Chan, K.T. & Chan G.H.K. (2013). Engagement and Outreach in the Early Psychosis Treatment. In E.Y.H. Chen, H. Lee, G.H.K. Chan & G.H.Y. Wong (Eds), Early Psychosis Intervention: A Culturally Adaptive Clinical Guide (189-198). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press


  • Chan, K.T. (2020). Impact to Psychiatry in the Age of Digitalisation: Disease of the Mind from Understanding, Treatment to Transformation. The Hong Kong Medical Diary. Psychiatry: in Broader Horizons, 25, 3, March 2020, 16-18.

  • Chan KT (2022). Cultural Considerations. In E.Y.H. Chen & M.T.H. Wong (Eds.), Youth Mental Health: A Primer (37-44). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing


  • Chan KT (2022). Anxiety Disorders. In E.Y.H. Chen & M.T.H. Wong (Eds.), Youth Mental Health: A Primer (79-92). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing


  • Chan KT (2022). Drug and Alcohol use in Youth. In E.Y.H. Chen & M.T.H. Wong (Eds.), Youth Mental Health: A Primer (153-162). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing


  • Chan KT (2022). Engagement: Online and Offline Platforms. In E.Y.H. Chen & M.T.H. Wong (Eds.), Youth Mental Health: A Primer (185-196). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing


  • Chan KT (2022). Public Health Perspectives. In E.Y.H. Chen & M.T.H. Wong (Eds.), Youth Mental Health: A Primer (245-254). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing


  • Chan KT (2022). Pace of Change in Global and Local Youth Culture. In E.Y.H. Chen & M.T.H. Wong (Eds.), Youth Mental Health: A Primer (267-274). Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing​​​​


Book Publications in Psychiatry (as Editor):

  • ​陳啟泰 (總編輯) (2011)。青山醫院精神健康學院《開門見山》編輯委員會。開門見山。香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司

  • 陳啓泰 (單元編輯) (2012)。在香港精神科醫學院編。啟動.心康:精神健康求助攻略。香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司

Book Publication in Culture (as Author):

  • 陳啓泰 (2019)。《香港詞人系列》向雪懷。香港:中華書局(香港)有限公司

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