The impact of the development of community psychiatric services (ICCMW and EASY) on hospitalization, self-harm and suicide mortality in Hong Kong over the past 20 years
Assessing Anxiety among Adolescents in Hong Kong: Psychometric Properties and Validity of the Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) in an Epidemiological Community Sample
The effects of co-occurring personal and population-level stressors on mental health in the community: findings from a series of studies conducted amid ongoing social unrest and COVID-19 in 2020
Digitalization and Mind: A naturalistic study comparing self-concepts (personal features, authenticity, and sense of agency) in the physical world and virtual world among young people of different severity of internet addiction and levels of internet us
Relationship between subjective quality of life and perceptions of recovery orientation of treatment service in patients with schizophrenia and major depressive disorders
Relationship between stressful life events, stigma, and life satisfaction with the willingness of disclosure of psychotic illness: a community study in Hong Kong
12-month prevalence of psychotic experiences and their association with clinical outcomes in Hong Kong: an epidemiological and a 2-year follow up studies
12-month prevalence of psychotic experiences and their association with clinical outcomes in Hong Kong: an epidemiological and a 2-year follow up studies (Cancel)